Lorin K. Jackson, MA, MI
academic librarian & career support services
About Lorin
Lorin (pronouns: she/them) is originally from New York City and currently lives in Philadelphia. Lorin identifies as Black, Indigenous, Queer, Gender Non-Conforming, and Disabled.
Before becoming an academic librarian, Lorin worked with under-served youth in the non-profit and educational sector for a decade after graduating from college. During this time, they held positions as a teacher and Program Associate in after-school youth development programs in the Bay Area.
In her spare time, Lorin likes to read, listen to podcasts, DJ, dance, craft, and garden. She is also interested in animation, graphic novels/comics, and photography.
CV Snapshot
Executive Director of Region 2
Regional Medical Libraries
Medical University of South Carolina
beginning September 2021
Head of Access & User Services (interim)
Swarthmore College
January 2021 - September 2021
Research + Instruction Resident Librarian
Black Studies Librarian
Swarthmore College
2018 - 2021
15 years of teaching experience
Master of Information in Library + Information Science
Rutgers University at New Brunswick
Cumulative GPA: 3.8
Reaearch Interests
'Have the Library Brought to You:’ Embedded Librarianship as Intentional Strategy to Support Underserved Patrons
Upcoming chapter in Underserved Patrons in Academic Libraries: Assisting Students Facing Trauma, Abuse, and Discrimination, 2020
Librarian Parlor. November 8, 2019
Recasting an Inclusive Narrative: Exploring Intersectional Theory
by Diana Floegel and Lorin Jackson
Presented at ACRL 2019 Conference in April 2019.
Awards and Recognitions
Kathryn L. Morgan Award
Swarthmore College, 2021
IDEAL ‘19 Conference Scholarship Recipient:
Advancing Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility in
Libraries and Archives in Columbus, Ohio, 2019National Endowment for the Humanities Grant Recipient
Institute at Brigham Young University, 2019Turock Endowed Family Fellowship
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, 2018Newman Civic Fellow
Campus Contact, 2013
Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow
Haverford College, 2006
Research Interests
critical + radical librarianship
social justice + librarianship
prison librarianshipp + prison abolition
environmental justice
community + personal archives
zine creation + zine libraries
digital humanities
Core Values
Values that motivate me and inform my work ethic.
- Problem-solving with new ideas, generative creativity, and adaptability
- Enhancing application of digital resources and systems
- Leveraging change management and resilience skills
- Modeling and operating from a framework of abundance
- Demonstrating professional excellence and accountability as a leader
- Prioritizing clear organizational strategies and robust project management principles
- Integrating an evidence-based and intentional approach
- Engaging through open, transparent, and nonviolent communication while illustrating an ethic of care
- Applying respect, stewardship, and teamwork skills in service of deepening community relationships
- Empowering others to develop and share leadership responsibilities
- Cultivating direct application of values of inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility (IDEA)
A Mentor
"Lorin, truly and unequivocally, embodies love, care, and accountability. I have never met someone who so unyieldingly advocates for and protects students. As a librarian, Lorin frequently sees students when we are at our lowest, our most vulnerable, and our most desperate. She recognizes us in our humanity and works constantly to create a library environment that will allow us to thrive—both on an academic and personal level."
New Inspiration & Customization
"Lorin puts twists onto ideas that you thought you already had opinions on, only to make you see it in an entirely new light... Personally, it helps to remove me from my stubbornness and to encounter new freshness, new processes. Nothing gets left behind, everything that's been said at some point eventually gets honored and held onto... Ultimately, Lorin is very good at their job."
-Taylor Amari Little,
Stronger Together
"Lorin and I do not work directly together, but since she came into the tiny world I’ve been working in for 15 years a few years ago, I’ve been inspired and excited by pretty much everything she has accomplished both here and in everything else I know about in her career and her life... She is a mentor, an educator, a realist, a librarian, a partner, a woman with a million plus facets that shine all day every day, even when times are tough.
Insightful Feedback
"Lorin is a thoughtful and exceptional educator and former colleague of mine. They also gave me insightful feedback on some of my academic writing in the past. I highly recommend their services." - Rosie
A sampling of things that inspire + motivate me.
Octavia Butler (support Philadelphia Printworks with the purchase of a cool Octavia Butler shirt)
Dr. Joy Harden Bradford + Therapy for Black Girls
Alison Bechdel, especially Fun Home + Dykes to Watch Out For
Some sample writing and articles.
Syllabus from undergrad seminar class
WHYY Speak Easy LGBTQ Series
Contact Me
General inquiries can be submitted here. I'd love to hear from you!
Copyright © 2021